Make your products suitable for domestic composting

CARBIOS Active represents a unique universal and ready-to-use solution for all players in the plastic value chain, accelerating the PLA’s natural biodegradation and making it suitable for domestic composting. Whether you produce plastic compounds, are a plastic processor or simply a company interested in investing in a sustainable packaging solution, Carbiolice is committed to making it easy for you to adopt home compostable products.

Our R&D, production and customer support teams are there to assist you so you can offer your customers an environmentally-friendly plastic.​

CARBIOS Active boosts the biodegradation performance of your compounds and allows them to be used for thicker applications. Carbiolice teams study the compatibility of CARBIOS Active with your grades, and help you to quantify the added value.​

Carbiolice can assist you in successfully integrating CARBIOS Active into your formulations.

Our R&D team can visit your site and carry out tests on your pilot and production lines.

Carbiolice provides you with technical and commercial support for the implementation of CARBIOS Active in your packaging solutions.

Consumers will be able to detect the presence of CARBIOS Active by means of the immediately recognisable Ok Compost Home certification logo from TUV AUSTRIA, and will thus be able to sort their products correctly at source.

Carbiolice will liaise with your material processor regarding the integration of CARBIOS Active to enable you to quickly launch an innovative and environmentally-friendly solution on the market.

Would your company like to develop compostable and environmentally-friendly packaging?
Contact us

Questions & Answers

In what types of compounds can CARBIOS Active be introduced?

CARBIOS Active additive can be used in PLA (Polylactic Acid) based compounds, during common plastic transformation processes such as extrusion or thermoforming. This 100% biosourced, compostable and biodegradable polymer is available in industrial quantities. CARBIOS Active is compatible with all PLA-based grades, which makes its use possible for both flexible (films) and rigid applications (trays, cups etc.).

For which applications can I use CARBIOS Active?

CARBIOS Active is suitable all plastic products that are difficult to recycle today, either because they are too thin, soiled or composed of several layers. It can therefore be used in packaging or single-use plastics.

Among these product categories, packaging film, industrial and agricultural film, food packaging and coffee capsules are applications for which compostability will enable them to benefit from a more environmentally-friendly end-of-life.

CARBIOS Active is now available for “OK Compost Home” certification, for a range of products including flexible films up to 90µm, rigid sheets with a thickness of around 800µm, and injected parts up to 2mm.

How can I be sure that CARBIOS Active is compatible with my application?

We provide our customers with practical support.

Carbiolice first works with you to trial the product, analysing all the possibilities to make your products or your packaging sustainable and responsible. Our R&D teams support you through laboratory tests to validate the use of CARBIOS Active in the chosen PLA base formulation.

Our Applications team can assist you on your production lines to get the very best from CARBIOS Active during dedicated tests.

To learn more about our testing offer, please contact us.

How can I get my products "Ok Compost Home" certified?

The certification process is carried out in Europe by TÜV AUSTRIA or DIN CERTCO and their accredited laboratories, which will test products containing CARBIOS Active for compliance with composting standards (EN 13432 for industrial composting and NF T51-800 for domestic composting).

Our quality teams will be pleased to liaise with bodies such as TÜV Austria, with whom we have set up a process to fast track the certification of your products integrating CARBIOS Active.

How can I make my customers aware of CARBIOS Active inside benefits in my products?

Over and above your corporate communication on your innovations and environmental values, packaging will be an important channel of information.

In addition to logos certifying the compostability of the product, our business team can assist you with best practices for clear communication about the product’s end-of-life.

This includes sorting recommendations and composting times, for example, as well as the introduction of the Ok Compost Home certification logo from TUV AUSTRIA, enabling plastics that can be composted at home to be identified at a glance.

Where can I find PLA compounds?

Different grades of PLA are available on the market, either pure or in compound form. At Carbiolice, we have tested more than 15 different PLA grades and can help you select the most suitable grade for your particular application.​